Have you ever talked with a friend who is caring for a spouse or maybe a parent and they say they feel like they’re the ones who need care? Maybe they share how they’re exhausted or how they miss their weekly visit to the salon, but can’t go since they started caring for their mom or dad? Does this sound familiar because this is what you may be going through right now yourself? Making time for yourself and practicing good self-care usually is an after-thought when you care for a parent or a spouse.
You’re not in the minority, let’s take a look at some research and statistics….if you’re caring for a spouse between the ages of 66 and 96 and you are experiencing mental or emotional strain you have a risk of dying that is 63% higher than that of people your own age who are not caring for a spouse. The combination of loss, long durations of stress, physical demands, and the biological vulnerabilities that come with age place you at risk for serious and significant health issues as well as premature death.