Audivi Memory Banks is an easy-to-use app that helps individuals save, share and enjoy memories. Developed for individuals with memory loss, Audivi's audio-visual platform creates an immersive trip down memory lane that evokes feelings of joy, comfort and familiarity, offsetting feelings of anxiety, agitation and confusion. Memory banks help spark connection, conversation and laughter and offer a tool for new caregivers to build deeper relationships and personalize care. Save memories with an Audivi Memory Bank and reap the benefits of reminiscing, day in and day out, 24/7, with the click of a button.
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Kristin started Audivi Memory Banks based on her experience taking care of her mom with Alzheimer's Disease. Like many individuals with memory loss, her mom had virtually no short-term memory but had extraordinarily vivid long-term memories that she repeated all the time. Kristin realized that, while it is difficult as a caregiver to listen to memories again and again, the individual with memory loss really likes them - not just telling them but hearing them. Audivi (Latin for "I heard") was born out of this realization. Audivi Memory Banks disrupts this common caregiver challenge by helping individuals with memory loss enjoy, rather than repeat, their memories. Watch this short video to see Audivi's transportative power in action.
Unlock the benefits of reminiscing
with Audivi Memory Banks!
• Reminiscing improves mood
• Reminiscing fosters interaction
• Reminiscing reduces isolation
• Reminiscing increases pride
• Reminiscing decreases depression
• Reminiscing enhances cognition
Get started with Audivi Memory Banks now!