The Care Advocates with Lance A. Slatton & Sharon’s Son, George with Care Advocate Kimberly Jacobsen
The Care Advocates is brought to you by the All Home Care Matters Media team and focuses on providing family caregivers and their loved ones with support, resources, and discussion on the issues facing them in the matrix of long-term care.
The Care Advocates are honored to welcome, Kimberly Jacobsen as guest to the show.
About Kimberly Jacobsen:
Kimberly is the Managing Director and Commission Attorney/ Employment matters at the Connecticut Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities. She manages attorneys, investigators, and support staff. Additionally, she serves as a resource for the agency’s regional offices and is involved in the preparation of the agency’s legislative proposals. She has special interest in disability law. Kimberly also serves on the West Hartford Disability Commission and on the Connecticut Bar Association’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee.
In recent years, Kimberly has been speaking publicly about living well with Parkinson’s Disease in many different forums. She put out several YouTube videos about her diagnosis and the first few years of living with Parkinsons (Kim Jacobsen’s Parkinson’s Journey – YouTube).
She also regularly posts short videos on Instagram (@livingwellwithparkinsons) and TikTok (@livingwellwithparkinsons). She has written an article for the Connecticut Lawyer’s Magazine titled “My Disability Makes Me a Better Lawyer” (ctl-janfeb-22—dei.pdf (