The Rubik’s Cube is often referred to as the IMPOSSIBLE TOY but everyone knows the iconic cube and it often brings back memories from childhood, whether that be elation at solving the cube or frustration at not being able to!

We are so passionate about the positive benefits that the Rubik’s Cube can have, not only for the younger generations but for ALL of us! Some of the benefits that we have already seen include include; dexterity, coordination, memory improvement as well as a reduction in anxiety, getting social, engaging and socialising with others (and maybe even those that you wouldn’t usually!).

So, where do we come in and what do we do?

We teach people, largely the older generation (we are talking 35plus, so definitely not old!), how to SOLVE THE RUBIK’S CUBE.

We have taken solving the Rubik’s cube and simplified it to open it up to all ages and abilities. Through trial and error, and with the help of a group of elderly participants, we have devised a course of eight sessions.

We have now filmed the videos to accompany the sessions and these are in the final stage of editing and so will be available for participants to watch and practise in between sessions. We will be sure to share these videos with you all once they are ready 😉

Our main aim is to HAVE FUN but solving the Rubik’s Cube keeps the mind active and helping the residents within a Care Home or Day Centre setting to learn (or re-learn) a skill – solving the Rubik’s cube, whilst having the benefits of improving their hand-eye coordination and giving them something a bit different from the norm.

There is an additional element of looking at whether solving the Rubik’s cube can stimulate and improve short-term memory, a symptom of Dementia that is common across most types of the condition. Keeping the mind active has numerous benefits and can keep connections within the brain communicating to improve a person’s daily activities and communication skills.

The ultimate aim is that the participants we teach can then continue to solve the Rubik’s Cube and keep their mind active but also gain enough confidence to pass on their skills to:

  •         teaching other residents or members of the Care Home and Day Centre;
  •         invite groups of children in (Rainbows/Brownies/Cubs/Beavers/Local Schools etc.)
  •         sharing with their own families
  •         teaching others in the community.

This will mean that once we have finished each project, the participants are left with the skills to develop their learning, activities and engage further with the community, even as our part comes to a close.

So, we are often found in Care Homes and Day Centres teaching our lessons on how to solve the Rubik’s Cube and we are currently in talks with an Autism Charity to develop a scheme for them too as the benefits for those with Autism could be just as positive!

This is a project we at Dementia TLC are super passionate about and are always happy to discuss.

If this is something that you would be interested in for yourself, a Care Home or Day Centre that you are involved in or just want to have a chat or find out more, please do GET IN TOUCH!