Stay Active with Life-Long Learning at Oasis Everywhere

In this episode and interview, we explore what Oasis Everywhere is and how it is helping seniors engage in life-long learning and staying active. Even during the pandemic, you’ll hear how two of our guests were able to socialize and create a lasting friendship.

We enjoyed our time with Oasis Everywhere and with Paul Weiss the President of Oasis Everywhere, along with Barbra and Carole who met each other while taking classes at Oasis Everywhere. If you are interested in learning more we have included some information and history of Oasis Everywhere to share with you.

The Oasis Institute is a nonprofit educational organization dedicated to enriching the lives of adults ages 50+. The institute announced the launch of Oasis Everywhere, a virtual lifelong learning platform with an expansive menu of online classes aimed to provide seniors with social connections and enrichment.

Oasis Everywhere offers live online courses led by top instructors from across the country utilizing a simple online platform and Zoom video. It is designed so anyone can easily explore their interests regardless of their geographic location, mobility, or travel constraints. The classes are affordably priced and easily searchable and open for registration through the Oasis Everywhere website,

To connect with Oasis Everywhere or to learn more visit them at:

Oasis Institute on Facebook at @OasisInstitute
On Twitter at @OasisInstitute
On LinkedIn at The Oasis Institute
Or via their website