Christy Byrne Yates – Building a Legacy of Love
All Home Care Matters was honored to welcome Christy Byrne Yates, M.S., LEP as a guest to discuss her book ““Building a Legacy of Love: Thriving in the Sandwich Generation” and how she is supporting caregivers and their loved ones.
Christy is the mother of two – now adult – children. She is an expert in navigating the challenges and opportunities in life including living in the “Sandwich Generation” — that time period of raising children while also caring for an aging loved one. Her book, “Building a Legacy of Love: Thriving in the Sandwich Generation” recounts her journey and learning as a working mother of two who also managed the care of her parents, both of whom had some form of dementia. She incorporates meditation, mindfulness and other evidence based mind/body practices into her work to support growth, resilience, and a pathway to living life fully.
Christy has worked with caregiver support organizations, assisted living and memory care facilities, home care agencies, as well as with estate attorneys and financial professionals to offer workshops and trainings regarding the unique needs of and solutions for the Sandwich Generation and Whole Family Wellness. Christy has a master’s degrees in counseling psychology, and holds credentials as an Education Specialist and School Psychologist. In California she is a Licensed Educational Psychologist (LEP), retired school psychologist, an author, speaker and coach/consultant.
Christy incorporates evidenced based mind-body wellness practices into her work and trainings. These practices are great for the whole family, and easily adapted to different age groups.
Mindful meditation, breath work, visualization, journaling and Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) are all modalities that Christy has been trained in and used with children, teens and adults. When wellness is a family value and family practice, it increases resilience, improves relationships, and has positive effects on school and work life.
About Christy’s Book:
Christy’s book, “Building a Legacy of Love: Thriving in the Sandwich Generation,” might be the one you don’t know you need…yet!
Combining straightforward research and tender memoir, Christy shines a light on a challenge faced by nearly 50% of Americans – raising children while also caring for an aging parent or loved one. This book offers insights into the unique needs of parents squeezed between two generations who need them dearly, while offering insights and mindset shifts that can lead to greater compassion, resilience and well-being. She addresses difficult conversations and how to prepare for those, anticipatory grief experienced by family members, how to talk to children about death and dying, and the need for ruthless self-care in order to rise above the struggles.
Christy speaks from experience as a Sandwich Generation parent and as a psychologist and mental health professional with over 30 years of experience working with adults and children. Whether you’re a parent in the middle, or the aging loved one, “Building a Legacy of Love: Thriving in the Sandwich Generation,” will inspire you to have meaningful conversations.