Cheryl Beversdorf Host & Producer of AGING MATTERS

All Home Care Matters and our host, Lance A. Slatton welcome Cheryl Beversdorf as our guest to the show.

About Cheryl Beversdorf:

A Vietnam era Veteran, registered nurse, former not-for-profit association executive, and public communications specialist, Cheryl Beversdorf produces and hosts AGING MATTERS Radio, weekly radio programs and podcasts offering interviews with guests who talk about aging related topics of interest to older adults, their care partners, and families.

Cheryl also produces and hosts AGING MATTERS TV Show, featuring interviews with experts about aging issues that include demonstrations of how aging related subjects benefit older adults’ lives, and stories of life of guests who talk about how their life experiences made a difference to them and to their community.

Cheryl is a member of the Board of Directors of Arlington Neighborhood Village (ANV), a volunteer-driven, non-profit organization dedicated to helping older residents age in place. She chairs the ANV Communications and Marketing Committee and hosts ANV’s weekly Coffee and Conversation program.

Before AGING MATTERS, Cheryl partnered with an elder mediation attorney to create Talking About the Tough Stuff, interactive dramatizations and commentary for families needing to have difficult conversations about aging issues.

She also helped establish Epilogue LLC, which offered support groups to help men and women over age 50 find new jobs or reinvent themselves in retirement.

About AGING MATTERS Podcast and Radio Show:

The weekly radio program presents individuals with expertise about a broad array of aging related topics. The show is broadcast on podcast sites and made available for downloading on grassroots community radio stations affiliated with Pacifica Network.

Produced in an interview format, guests educate and inform listeners about timely topics that impact the lives of older adults and their families. The program’s focus is to help ensure longer and healthier lives for older adults.


The TV Show offers interviews with aging experts and includes demonstrations of how aging related subjects benefit the lives of older adults and their families. A series of programs called “Stories of Life,” showcases guests who share ways their lives made a difference to them and to their community.