Roberta Carson

Roberta Carson of ZaggoCare

Roberta Carson of ZaggoCare

Roberta started Zaggo, a nonprofit organization to help patients and family caregivers manage illnesses and injuries, after her experience caring for her teenage son Zachary during his 27-month battle with terminal brain cancer. Roberta realized patients and families urgently need practical, easy-to-use information and tools.

Zaggo’s mission is to provide patients and families with the educational information, tools, and resources they need to become empowered, engaged, effective members of their medical teams for the best possible care. With an easy-to-use guidebook and organizational tools, the ZaggoCare System is the only product to offer the comprehensive advice and tools needed to help patients and caregivers manage an illness or injury.

As a charitable organization, 100% of the profits from the sale of ZaggoCare are donated to innovative brain tumor research in memory of Zachary.

Patients and Family Caregivers Need ZaggoCare


The ZaggoCare Guide

Practical Tips & Tools for Managing an Illness or Injury.

Our 123-page information-packed guide provides tips and recommendations to help patients and family caregivers navigate healthcare.

Customers tell us the Guide gives them invaluable information and alerts them to questions they’ve never thought to ask.

  • Tools to keep track of symptoms, medications, medical terms, appointments, and test results.
  • Questions to ask your medical team at every step of the journey.
  • Recommendations for how to be a strong advocate as a patient or family caregiver.
  • Suggestions for making treatment decisions, taking medications as prescribed, getting help from friends and family, managing insurance and medical bills, and more.
  • Advice for learning how to cope with a “new normal”.

How ZaggoCare helps patients and family caregivers

ZaggoCare gives patients and caregivers the tools and information they need to become empowered, engaged participants in their medical care. Whether it’s a new diagnosis or an ongoing illness or injury, the ZaggoCare System can help.

Studies show that patients who are more involved in their care are:

  • More likely to have improved care coordination and communication among their healthcare providers
  • Less likely to experience a medical error
  • Less likely to be readmitted to the hospital after discharge

Get Informed

Learn how to navigate the healthcare system like a professional.

Get organized

Coordinate your care by keeping and conveniently sharing your medical information.

Get Empowered

Learn how to confidently engage with doctors.

The Complete ZaggoCare System:


$85 Free shipping!

Here’s what you’ll get:

  • The ZaggoCare Guide.
  • A notebook for jotting down and keeping in one place information about symptoms and side effects, medications and treatment plans, questions for your doctors, appointment reminders, test results, and all the details large and small that are so integral to any patient’s healthcare journey.
  • An accordion file for organizing visit notes, test results, and other medical documents.
  • A business card holder.
  • A pouch to carry a pen, hand lotion, headphones, and other small items.
  • A stylish, durable carry case (20″ x 14″ x 5″) large enough to hold all the ZaggoCare organizational tools, plus plenty of extra space for books or a tablet, chargers, snacks and more. The carryall includes zippered pockets, water bottle holders, and a removable adjustable shoulder strap.

All Home Care Matters Board Mission Statement

Our mission is to provide those needing care, their families, and caregivers with quality resources to guide them on their care journeys and to let them know that they are not alone.

Awards and Memberships

All Home Care Matters is sponsored by Enriched Life Home Care Services - an award-winning home care company that has been serving families and communities throughout Southeastern Michigan since 2013.

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